Holidays are Even More Exciting With These 5 Activities

Holidays are Even More Exciting With These 5 Activities

21 December 2018

Besides watching your kids’s favorite series on television, what does you usually do to spend time on holidays? Oops, watching movies at home is not always a bad choice. But, if Mom can do other activities that more interesting and able to gain more experience to kids, are you sure you don't want to do it? Check it out these 5 exciting activities to fill the holiday more enjoyable.

Making Handycraft Creations
In addition to gain a sense of creativity in children, making handicraft creations is beneficial because it can make objects that were not having economically value can be objects that have economic value or high artistic value. Another benefit obtained from the activity of making handicraft creations is that it develops children's creativity and imagination, teaches children to be patient and thorough, to train their baby's motor skills.

To find information about what items will be created later, you can find inspiration through YouTube. There are many videos that teach handicrafts. Oops, don't forget to give assistance as well, mom while the baby is opening various videos on YouTube.

Camping is always a fun activity. According to research from the page of psychology today, Expertist found that 90% of people increase their self-esteem after walking around the city park. 3 (three) out of 10 (ten) people also feel their depression decreases. Direct contact with nature contributes to the process of self-healing. For the baby, of course this is a pleasant experience. After all this time spent activities in classrooms and sports fields that are also layered / synonymous with life in a big city.

Now for mothers who are still confused about choosing the best location for camping, you can choose hills & mountain as an alternative camping area. Go to Situ Gunung, which is only 100 kilometers from the center of Jakarta and is located between Mount Salak and Mount Gede-Pangrango, or Cunang (Nangka Waterfall) which is located at the foot of Mount Salak, Bogor.

Visit an Amusement Park
Holidays will be even more exciting if we visit nature. Besides visiting mountains and beaches, a tourist park can be an alternative for you to go with your family. If Mom is confused with the alternatives of tourist attractions, there are several alternative educational attractions for families that have written by Technoplast Team in the previous article. Let's look back at some alternative educational attractions that are suitable for mom and families, CLICK HERE! 

The main benefits of exercise are to nourish yourself. Broadly speaking, the benefits of exercising to children are helping various body cell to grow, and train the body to coordinate well. Mom can choose the sport that is most popularfor the child and then slowly begin to introduce to the type of sport he just knew. Horse riding, archery and various sports that rely on brain agility are interesting activities that can be done with the baby. Sports can also be a choice of physical activity that can avoid the baby from dependence on gadgets.

Oops, in order to avoid dehydration during exercise, you can bring your kid's favorite Technoplast drink bottle. By the way, did you know that if recently Technoplast released a new character called "Save Our Ocean"? Bright color choices & underwater animal characters are guaranteed to make the baby more enthusiastic about exercising.

Having A Cooking Class Together
Come on, do you often involve your kids to cook? Well for this one activity, start from cooking simple types of dishes first so It won’t risk our kid’s safety. In addition, you can register at various cooking courses for children. The tools and materials used are also safe guarantee because they usually don’t use fire or heat sources. Even if using a stove, there will usually be a companion. Learning to cook with kids will provide many benefits for them, such as motor sensor training and increasing the level sensitivity of  their five senses.

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